Thursday, March 9, 2017

Jack the Ripper: Shadow Over Whitechapel

The topics that the crimes and their perpetrator raise, such as police procedures and forensic studies of the day, as well as attitudes towards women and the working-class, are a subject of fascination in their own right. This project aims to explore the many tangents of this captivating yet macabre case. Here at GameTheNews we’ve been working on a new type of game, one that uses our newsgaming skills and builds on them; Playable Documentary. The project code-named ‘JtR125‘ is now been revealed as ‘Jack the Ripper: Shadow Over Whitechapel‘ and is our first Playable Documentary. This is how it will look:

A recreation of London 1888.

Our unique art-style is based on contemporary newspapers of the time:

The Police Illustrated News of 1888

We’re still doing the research and development on the project but there is more info here:

Source : gamethenews[dot]net

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